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Understanding the global market for gluten-free foods

October 4, 20232 min
Lauren Daniels photo
Lauren Daniels Tastewise

Discover the global market trends for gluten-free foods and how food-producing businesses can harness these insights to drive innovation and sales growth.

Understanding the global market for gluten-free foods
In today’s food industry, companies constantly seek innovative ways to cater to shifting consumer preferences. One trend that continues to gain traction worldwide is the increasing demand for gluten-free foods. From snacks and beverages to complete meal options, consumers opt for gluten-free variants to embrace healthier lifestyles.

Food manufacturing companies, such as Pepsi, Kraft, and Ferrero, should strive to understand this market better to make the most of the opportunities it presents. In this article, we’ll explore the global market for gluten-free foods and how food-producing businesses can leverage these insights to drive innovation and sales growth.

The global market outlook and growth drivers
The gluten-free food market, valued at $5.6 billion in 2020, is projected to reach $8.3 billion by 2025, growing with a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 8.1%. This expansion can be attributed to several key factors:

  1. Heightened awareness of celiac disease and gluten intolerance: Advances in medical research have shed light on the prevalence of celiac disease, gluten intolerance, and wheat allergies. This has spurred increased demand for gluten-free products among those with dietary restrictions.
  2. Perceived health benefits: Many consumers, even those without gluten-related health concerns, perceive gluten-free foods as healthier alternatives. This perception has fueled sales among those adopting healthier lifestyles.
  3. Improved product offerings: In the past, gluten-free options were limited to tasteless, cardboard-like fare. Today, food companies have tapped into sophisticated research and development, resulting in more palatable gluten-free offerings that keep their traditional counterparts on their toes.
  4. Expanding distribution channels: As demand for gluten-free products continues to surge, retailers worldwide have expanded their selections, making these products more readily available to a growing audience.

Seizing opportunities in the gluten-free food market
To capitalize on the global shift towards gluten-free foods, food-producing businesses should invest in understanding consumer trends while tracking regional market variations. Tastewise, a data-driven platform powered by artificial intelligence, offers food and beverage companies timely insights to drive innovation and growth. Here’s how businesses can leverage these insights:

  1. Identify emerging trends and consumer preferences Through Tastewise, food-producing companies can access thousands of data points on consumer preferences, brand sentiments, and trends driving the gluten-free market. These insights will position companies to create innovative and distinct gluten-free products that resonate with target demographics.
  2. Cater to regional tastes and demands The global market for gluten-free foods is far from homogeneous. Consumer preferences and spending on these products vary significantly across regions. Tastewise enables businesses to analyze and compare market trends in different locations, empowering them to make informed decisions when launching products in new markets or refining their offerings in established ones.
  3. Benchmark against competitors Staying ahead of the competition is crucial in the fickle world of food and beverages. Tastewise allows food-producing companies to evaluate competitors’ performance and market presence in the gluten-free category to devise strategies that maintain a competitive edge.
  4. Monitor product performance and iterate Post-launch, companies must track their gluten-free products’ performance to meet consumer needs and expectations effectively. Tastewise offers real-time data on customer feedback and product performance, allowing companies to iterate, optimize, and excel in the gluten-free market.

Innovating for a changing global market
The global market for gluten-free foods presents significant growth opportunities for food-producing companies as consumer demands shift towards healthier eating options. By leveraging the powerful insights provided by Tastewise, businesses can confidently navigate the competitive landscape, focus on food product innovation, and craft winning strategies to maximize their potential in this flourishing market. Innovate faster, market more effectively, and grow your sales by staying tuned in to the gluten-free food market’s dynamics!

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