
5 Reasons Why AI Won’t Take Your Job in the F&B Industry—It’ll Make it Easier

Blog image AI won’t take your job
July 5, 20246 Mins
Kelia Losa Reinoso photo
Kelia Losa Reinoso

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sent shivers down the spines of workers across industries. But in the food and beverage (F&B) sector, AI won’t take your job; it will enhance your ability to innovate and stay competitive in the evolving landscape of gastronomy.  Whether you’re in marketing, innovation, manufacturing, or agriculture, AI serves as a powerful tool to support and amplify human capabilities. 

From accelerating innovation to optimizing resources, AI is transforming how we bring food to the table. Our speakers at the recent virtual summit Generative AI Food Pioneers Summit had incredibly interesting insights on how AI isn’t going for anyone’s job. 

Tastewiese’s CMO, Jacques Botbol put it perfectly, saying, “What I know today is that AI won’t substitute anyone, but people utilizing AI will substitute people not utilizing AI.” 

1. AI is Enhancing culinary innovation

Blog image AI won’t take your job

Imagine a world where launching new summer ranges takes less time and less guesswork. Lizzie Haywood, Innovations Manager at Waitrose, isn’t just dreaming. 

“Using AI in our innovation process provides speed, access to a massive wealth of data, and takes away a lot of the manual work,” she says. 

AI helps Waitrose identify trending flavors like rarebit, allowing them to develop and launch new products faster. AI acts as a sous chef, freeing up human creativity for the most important part: making delicious food.

2. AI won’t take your job, it’ll speed up product development

The fast-paced F&B industry demands agility. Traditionally, product development could take months. But with AI in the kitchen, things are changing. 

Renato Gueraldi from Kraft Heinz explains how Kellogg’s slashed their innovation timeline from a lengthy three months to a mere three days using AI. 

“Don’t debate. Pilot, A, B, and then you go,” says Gueraldi, emphasizing the iterative approach AI enables. 

This rapid development cycle ensures Kellogg’s stays ahead of the curve, with fresh products constantly hitting the shelves.

3. You can leverage AI for trend forecasting

In a world of ever-changing consumer preferences, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Diego Camacho from Tetra Pak highlights how AI can analyze social media, reviews, and market data to predict upcoming trends. 

“It’s about leveraging technology to deliver real value and impact,” says Camacho. 

You can know what your customers will crave before they even do. For instance, AI-powered surveys created by platforms like Tastewise can be used to gather insights on specific consumer preferences.  

Take spicy wings, for example.  A Tastewise survey could reveal a growing interest in a particular type of hot pepper or a unique flavor combination. With this knowledge, restaurants can develop new menu items that cater to these emerging trends.

This foresight allows F&B companies to tailor their offerings to consumer desires, ensuring they remain relevant and competitive.

4. Use AI to help you gather BIG DATA

AI is not limited to understanding consumer preferences; it can also be used to create new recipes!  Using AI recipe creation tools, like the ones offered by Tastewise,  F&B  professionals can generate innovative recipe ideas based on specific ingredients, cuisines, or even desired taste profiles.  AI can suggest a recipe for spicy mango wings that perfectly complements the flavors consumers are craving.

This means chefs and innovators work alongside AI, not against it. AI handles the data analysis, while human creativity takes center stage.

5. Promoting sustainability through AI

While AI is a powerful tool, it’s not meant to replace human expertise. Asier Alea from the Basque Culinary Centre emphasizes the importance of collaboration. 

“By creating new narratives around food and leveraging tools like AI, we envision a future where gastronomy leads in sustainable practices and culinary innovation.” says Alea

The world is looking towards sustainable practices, and the F&B industry is no exception.AI analyzes environmental impacts, helping companies develop eco-friendly practices and create sustainable food systems. With AI on their side, F&B companies can be both profitable and environmentally responsible.

The future of food is AI-assisted

AI is transforming the F&B industry, and no, AI won’t take your job. Instead, it’s a powerful tool that empowers humans to do what they do best: innovate, create, and bring delicious food to our tables. 

In the session “G(ai)teways in F&B: AI as a Watershed Moment from Ideation to Marketing,” Jacques Botbol and Ilana Ryder Schnytzer from Tastewise share valuable insights on how AI is transforming the food and beverage industry. They emphasize that AI is not here to replace human jobs but to enhance human capabilities, particularly in terms of speed, efficiency, and consumer understanding.

By embracing AI, F&B professionals can enhance their capabilities, drive efficiency, and ensure a sustainable future for the industry. 

As Ilana Ryder Schnytzer from Tastewise says, “AI can really make you the one in the company by bringing it in that can turn this into a more consumer-centric environment.” 

Addressing the common fears associated with AI adoption, Schnytzer reassures, “No one is taking your job tomorrow. It’s not going to happen.”

She suggests that the fear of AI often stems from a lack of understanding and encourages embracing AI as a supportive tool rather than a threat.


How does AI enhance job performance in the food industry?

AI enhances job performance by speeding up processes, providing valuable data insights, and freeing up time for creative and strategic tasks. It supports human expertise rather than replacing it.

What are the best practices for integrating AI in foodservice?

Best practices include building strong partnerships with technology providers, fostering a culture of collaboration, and continuously iterating and improving based on AI insights.

How does AI contribute to sustainability in food practices?

AI helps optimize resource use, reduce waste, and identify sustainable methods and processes. It provides data-driven insights that support the development of sustainable food systems.

What can food intelligence do for you?