
F&B Pride Marketing During the Rainbow Wave

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April 29, 20245 minutes
Kelia Losa Reinoso photo
Kelia Losa Reinoso

June is a month of celebrating love, diversity, and LGBTQ+ pride. This period, known as Pride Month, sees a unique shift in the marketing landscape, particularly within the Food & Beverage (F&B) industry. Tastewise data paints a clear picture: conversations surrounding Pride spiked in 2023, jumping from 0.15% in May to a peak of 0.50% in June. But what compels this surge?

We’ll explore innovative campaigns beyond aesthetics, analyze the impact of inauthentic approaches, and uncover how Tastewise empowers F&B businesses to ride the Pride wave with purpose and success. Join us as we explore the intersection of delicious food, vibrant communities, and the ever-changing marketing landscape.

Pride Marketing During the Rainbow Wave

Many Food & Beverage (F&B) businesses use Pride Month as an opportunity to connect with consumers and show their support for inclusivity. While capitalizing on Pride can be a great marketing strategy, it’s important to approach it authentically and respectfully. 

Here’s the challenge: How can F&B businesses navigate the “Rainbow Wave” effectively, striking a balance between celebration and genuine connection with the LGBTQ+ community? Being in touch with what consumers want through AI-powered surveys catered toward consumption around Pride month, can show what iconic dishes people want, the types of Pride-themed menu items or drinks, and what emerging ingredients are associated with the LGBQT community.

Creative Marketing for F&B Businesses During Pride

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Gone are the days of simply slapping a rainbow on a logo. Consumers crave authenticity and genuine connection with brands that celebrate inclusivity. So, how do F&B companies navigate the “Pride Wave”? Is it just a fleeting trend of rainbow-colored products and temporary social media filters? The answer is more nuanced.

Partner with LGBTQ+ organizations

Collaborate with local or national LGBTQ+ organizations for co-branded products or events. This demonstrates genuine support and aligns your brand with a respected entity.

Amplify LGBTQ+ voices

Partner with LGBTQ+ chefs, bakers, bartenders, or social media influencers. Feature their stories, recipes, or signature creations. This celebrates the diversity within the community and allows authentic voices to shine.

Host inclusive events

Organize events that promote inclusivity and cater to a diverse clientele. This could be a drag brunch, a cooking class focused on LGBTQ+ culinary traditions, or a charity dinner celebrating diversity.

Donate a portion of the proceeds

Donate a percentage of sales from a special Pride menu or limited-edition product to an LGBTQ+ charity. This demonstrates your commitment to supporting causes important to the community.

Focus on love & acceptance in your messaging

Pride is about celebrating love in all its forms. Craft marketing messages focusing on inclusivity, acceptance, and the joy of togetherness.

Influencer marketing

Partner with relevant LGBTQ+ influencers and organizations, facilitating valuable partnerships and fostering genuine connections.

Developing Inclusive Pride-themed Products Consumers Crave

Simply adding rainbows to existing products won’t suffice. Here’s how to create Pride-themed offerings that resonate with consumers:

  • Get creative with flavors: Develop special menu items or drinks inspired by the colors of the Pride flag or flavors associated with LGBTQ+ communities around the world. Take our Prideful High-End Lamb Steak With Agave Glaze recipe, the inspiration for this dish came from the desire to create a high-end dish that embodies pride.
  • Offer unique packaging: Design limited-edition packaging that celebrates diversity and reflects your brand’s commitment to inclusivity.
  • Prioritize sustainability: Consumers, especially those in the LGBTQ+ community, are increasingly environmentally conscious. Opt for eco-friendly packaging and source ingredients responsibly.
  • Make it delicious: Most importantly, ensure your Pride-themed offerings are delicious.

Don’t abandon your existing brand identity entirely.  The key is to incorporate Pride elements seamlessly, maintaining your brand essence while celebrating inclusivity.

How to Capitalize on Pride & Plates With Tastewise

Tastewise is your one-stop shop for navigating the culinary landscape during Pride and beyond. Here’s how we can help your F&B business:

Social Listening & Trend Analysis

Our AI-powered platform analyzes social media data to identify emerging Pride trends and consumer preferences. This ensures your marketing efforts are relevant and timely.

Recipe Development

We can help you develop delicious and innovative Pride-themed menu items that cater to diverse dietary needs and preferences.

Content Creation

We create engaging social media content, blog posts and email marketing campaigns that celebrate Pride authentically and resonate with your target audience.

By leveraging Tastewise’s data-driven insights and creative resources, your F&B business can participate in Pride Month in a way that’s both celebratory and commercially successful.  Let’s celebrate love, acceptance, and of course, delicious food together.


How can I ensure my Pride marketing is authentic and avoids performative activism?

Authenticity is key. Research LGBTQ+ culture and cuisine to create meaningful themes. Partner with LGBTQ+ creators, influencers, or organizations. Focus on inclusivity; avoid stereotypical portrayals or gimmicks.

What types of Pride-themed products resonate with consumers?

Tastewise data can help you identify trending ingredients, flavors, and dishes that align with Pride themes. Consider rainbow-colored desserts or beverages, dishes inspired by LGBTQ+ cultures or cuisines, or vegan/vegetarian options celebrating diversity.

Does offering Pride-themed items have any lasting impact beyond June?

Absolutely! While Pride is a specific month, showcasing your commitment to inclusivity year-round builds brand loyalty with the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. Data from Tastewise can help you identify ways to integrate diversity and inclusion into your overall marketing strategy.

What if I don’t have a large budget for Pride marketing?

There are many low-cost ways to celebrate Pride! Create social media posts celebrating diversity—partner with other local businesses for joint events. Offer a special Pride-themed cocktail with a portion of proceeds going to charity. Tastewise can help you identify cost-effective strategies based on trending conversations.

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