
From Billboards to Bites: The Evolution of F&B Marketing

F&B marketing
May 9, 20244 minutes
Kelia Losa Reinoso photo
Kelia Losa Reinoso

F&B marketing has evolved significantly beyond traditional advertising methods like billboards and TV commercials. The advent of digital media and technology has led to a substantial transformation in recent years. From social media campaigns to influencer partnerships, the industry continuously adapts and evolves to captivate consumers.

This blog post will explore the evolution of F&B marketing and how businesses can effectively utilize these new strategies to reach their target audience.

What is F&B Marketing?

F&B marketing, also known as food and beverage marketing, is the process of promoting and selling food and drinks to consumers.

It involves developing strategies to attract potential customers and retain existing ones through various channels such as advertising, public relations, social media, events, and partnerships.

Over the years, F&B marketing has played a crucial role in driving revenue for businesses in the hospitality industry.

With the rise of new technologies and changing consumer behaviors, traditional marketing methods are no longer enough to stand out in a highly competitive market.

The Evolution of F&B Marketing

In the early days of F&B marketing, reaching hungry customers was a straightforward affair. Eye-catching print ads in newspapers and magazines showcased mouthwatering dishes, while giant billboards along highways tempted travelers with sizzling visuals.

Radio commercials, often featuring catchy jingles that burrowed into your ear, rounded out this sensory marketing buffet.

Then came television, a revolution in F&B marketing. Food burst onto the screen in living color, with close-up shots of juicy steaks and bubbling pizzas that practically begged to be devoured.

Television commercials became mini-productions, complete with captivating storylines and unforgettable characters – all designed to make viewers crave a specific restaurant’s offerings. This visual storytelling was a game-changer, forever altering the landscape of F&B marketing.

The introduction of personal computers ushered in the era of early digital marketing. Websites, initially simple affairs, slowly emerged as a new frontier for F&B marketing.

Restaurants began creating online presences, showcasing their menus, ambiance, and unique selling points in a virtual space. 

This lays the foundation for the data-driven, targeted marketing strategies that dominate the F&B landscape today.

As we look toward the future of F&B marketing, trends like personalization, AI-powered recommendations, and immersive AR/VR experiences are poised to shape how restaurants connect with customers.

The Modern Feast: F&B Marketing in the Digital Age

The modern feast is a digital smorgasbord, and F&B marketing has transformed to keep pace. The rise of social media has completely reshaped how restaurants connect with customers. 

Social Media Power

Mouthwatering food photography on Instagram, complete with the perfect filter and strategic hashtags, can turn a local eatery into a viral sensation.

Engaging Facebook stories offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse of a restaurant’s kitchen, staff, and unique offerings. 

Trendy TikTok challenges, like recreating a restaurant’s signature dish or participating in a dance craze themed around a specific cuisine, can generate massive buzz and attract a younger demographic.

Delivery Apps & Online Ordering

Food delivery apps like Uber Eats and Grubhub, projected to grow by 9.49% (2024-2029) resulting in a market volume of US$1.92tn in 2029, and online ordering platforms integrated directly with restaurant websites have become an essential part of the F&B landscape. 

Data is King

But convenience is just the first course. Data is now the king of the table. F&B marketing trends heavily leverage customer data collected through online interactions.

Tastewise, with its survey features searches through millions of users and databases to help in product innovation, marketing, and more. 

Stakeholders can uncover what their customers are craving and their F&B choices. This may reveal how consumers typically discover new food and beverage products, what kind of online promotions or marketing tactics are most likely to influence to consumers, or even what features would most entice consumers to try a new restaurant for delivery.

This allows restaurants, for example, to target the right audience with laser precision. Imagine sending personalized birthday discount codes to loyal customers or offering special deals based on a user’s past orders. This data-driven approach fosters customer loyalty and drives repeat business.

Essential F&B Marketing Principles

Some things always go well in the marketing kitchen. Brand storytelling – crafting a unique narrative that resonates with your audience – has always been a key ingredient.

Today, it’s about weaving that story across all your digital touchpoints. Another essential element is the customer experience. 

From the moment someone walks through your door (or clicks on your website) to the moment they leave a raving review, every interaction matters.

In the digital age, online reviews and social media mentions are powerful word-of-mouth marketing tools.

  • Social Media Savvy: Showcase mouthwatering visuals, share behind-the-scenes stories, and engage fans with polls on Instagram and Facebook.
  • Influencer Matchmaking: Partner with food-loving social media stars to reach their audience and promote your brand authentically.
  • Rewarding Loyalty: Implement a points system for repeat visits, incentivize online orders, and offer exclusive deals for special occasions.
  • Personalization is King: Leverage online platforms that remember preferences and dietary restrictions. Target social media campaigns to specific interests and enhance customer engagement.

Future-proofing your approach

By understanding these essential principles and staying abreast of the latest trends, you can create a winning F&B marketing strategy that will keep your restaurant or food brand at the forefront of the industry.

At Tastewise, we’re not just serving up marketing solutions, we’re leading the conversation in the ever-changing world of F&B.

We understand the unique challenges and trends that define your industry because we stay ahead of the curve.

Take chicken, for example. A seemingly ordinary ingredient, yet consistently a top seller with ever-increasing YOY growth.

Why? Smart marketing understands the power of flavor innovation, versatile preparation, and catering to dietary needs.

This is the kind of insight we bring to every client. We’ll help you craft a recipe for success like our Garlic Chicken With Zesty Ranch with the potential engagement of 2,716,286 customers. 

Where is F&B Marketing Going?

Get ready for a future filled with personalization and cutting-edge tech. AI-powered chatbots will answer customer queries and recommend dishes, while personalized marketing campaigns will cater to individual preferences.

Imagine using AR/VR to give customers a virtual tour of your restaurant before they even step foot inside. Sustainability is also becoming a major factor, with restaurants using eco-friendly marketing strategies to attract environmentally conscious consumers.


How can I create a winning F&B marketing strategy?

Focus on the perfect blend of tried-and-true principles like brand storytelling and exceptional customer experience, with a dash of the latest digital trends. Data is your friend – use it to understand your audience and tailor your message accordingly.

What are some common mistakes businesses make in F&B marketing?

Neglecting social media, ignoring the power of data, and failing to personalize the customer experience are all recipes for disaster.

How can Tastewise help me improve my F&B marketing efforts?

Tastewise can be your secret ingredient for success! We offer a range of solutions to help you understand your customers, optimize your online presence, and create data-driven marketing campaigns that drive results.

This journey through food marketing highlights the constant evolution of the industry. From billboards to websites, each new F&B marketing trend has built upon the last, shaping the future of how restaurants develop their marketing strategy and connect with their customers.

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