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CPG Marketing Trends in 2024

CPG marketing trends
April 19, 20244 minutes
Kelia Losa Reinoso photo
Kelia Losa Reinoso

CPG marketing trends are constantly evolving to meet the changing demands of consumers. As technology continues to advance and consumer behaviors shift, CPG marketing strategies must adapt to stay relevant and competitive in the market.

This document will explore some of the top CPG marketing trends that are expected to shape the industry in 2024.

The CPG Market in a Nutshell

The CPG market is a powerhouse, with global CPG sales expected to reach a staggering $3.17 trillion by 2032, reflecting a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.1% between 2023 and 2032. 

This growth is driven by several factors rising disposable incomes in emerging economies, increasing urbanization, and a growing emphasis on convenience. 

These statistics highlight the potential within the CPG market, and how CPG marketing trends change, emphasizing the need for brands to adapt their strategies to cater to a globalized consumer base’s evolving needs and preferences.

The industry is transforming. CPG brands must adopt a wise CPG marketing approach to stay ahead of the curve with changing consumer preferences, rising online sales, and the increasing influence of technology.

Investing in personalized and targeted marketing will be crucial for brands to connect with consumers on a more personal level and build brand loyalty.

7 CPG Marketing Trends You Need to Know

1. Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) boom

Consumers are bypassing traditional retail channels and looking for brands directly. CPG giants are establishing e-commerce platforms and subscription services to capitalize on this trend.

2. Hyper-personalization

Data-driven insights allow brands to personalize marketing messages and product offerings for individual consumers, which leads to a more engaging and compelling customer experience.

3. The rise of social commerce

Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are becoming powerful sales channels, with live commerce experiences gaining traction. 

CPG influencer marketing is gaining traction as a practical way to engage with consumers and create user-generated content to build brand awareness and drive sales.

4. Focus on sustainability and transparency

Consumers are demanding greater transparency from brands regarding their environmental and social impact.

CPG companies must prioritize sustainable practices and communicate them clearly to build trust and brand loyalty.

5. Data-driven decision-making

As CPG analytics and consumer insights evolve, more companies are embracing data-driven decision-making in marketing, boosting efficiency and effectiveness in engaging consumers.

Advanced analytics tools help CPG brands understand consumer behavior, improve marketing campaigns, drive growth, and accurately measure strategy impact.

Additionally, these technologies are becoming more affordable and accessible for smaller CPG firms, leveling the playing field.

6. Embracing digital transformation

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of e-commerce and digital tools in the CPG industry. Brands that embrace digital transformation will be able to adapt quickly to changing consumer behaviors and preferences, stay competitive, and drive growth.

7. Focus on health and wellness

The health and wellness trend is here to stay, with consumers increasingly prioritizing products that are better for their physical and mental well-being.

CPG companies must invest in healthier product lines and communicate the benefits effectively to meet this growing demand.

CPG Digital Marketing Trends in 2024

Omnichannel marketing

Consumers move seamlessly between online and offline channels. CPG brands must create a unified marketing experience across all touchpoints, ensuring consistency and a seamless customer journey.

Programmatic advertising

Automating advertising buys allows CPG brands to target specific audiences more efficiently and effectively.

Content marketing

Creating valuable and engaging content that resonates with consumers is crucial. This could include recipes, cooking demonstrations, or educational content about the brand’s products and benefits.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI can be used for various tasks, including generating personalized content recommendations, optimizing campaign performance, and developing new product ideas.

Why You Need to Follow CPG Marketing Trends

Staying on top of the latest CPG marketing trends is crucial for success in today’s competitive market. By embracing these trends, CPG brands can:

  • Reach and engage new consumers.
  • Build stronger brand loyalty.
  • Optimize marketing ROI.
  • Drive sales and growth.
  • Adapt to changing consumer behavior.

Expanding Your Consumer Base: Imagine connecting with younger generations who primarily shop online or tapping into previously inaccessible markets through targeted social media campaigns.

Building Brand Advocacy: Personalized experiences make customers feel valued, while transparent and eco-friendly practices build trust and loyalty. These factors combine to create passionate brand advocates who not only buy your products but also recommend them to others.

Maximizing Marketing ROI: By targeting the right audience with the right message at the right time, you can maximize the return on your marketing investments, eliminating wasted ad spend and increasing campaign effectiveness.

Fueling Sales Growth: From developing innovative products that resonate to creating engaging content marketing campaigns, staying on top of trends allows you to tailor your offerings to drive sales and achieve consistent growth.

Future-Proofing Your Brand: By embracing trends like omnichannel marketing and social commerce, you ensure your brand remains relevant and continues to resonate with consumers as the market landscape shifts.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, CPG marketing is a dynamic and ever-changing industry that requires constant adaptation to stay ahead of the curve.

By staying on top of trends, future-proofing your brand, and utilizing data analytics effectively, you can position your CPG brand for sustainable growth and success in the long run.

So keep an eye on consumer behavior, embrace emerging technologies, and always strive to provide value to your customers – and your CPG brand will thrive in today’s competitive market.


1. What are the biggest challenges facing CPG marketing today?

CPG marketers face challenges such as navigating the rise of private label brands, adapting to changing consumer preferences, and keeping up with the ever-evolving digital landscape.

2. How can CPG brands use data analytics effectively?

Data analytics can be used to gain insights into consumer behavior, optimize marketing campaigns, personalize customer experiences, and measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

3. How can CPG brands ensure their marketing efforts are sustainable?

CPG brands can ensure sustainable marketing practices by focusing on recyclable packaging, using eco-friendly materials, and communicating their sustainability efforts transparently to consumers.

The CPG marketing landscape is shaped by a constant quest to understand and fulfill ever-evolving consumer needs. By understanding and adopting the latest trends, CPG brands can build long-lasting relationships with their customers and secure continued success in the years to come.

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