Tastewise Time Savings ROI Calculator

Use the Tastewise time savings ROI calculator to compare the time your marketing team currently spends on tasks versus the potential time saved with Tastewise

Focus on what matters most – growing your business.
See exactly how AI-powered insights can free up your team’s time to focus on strategic initiatives
Input your numbers, and we’ll generate a detailed time savings analysis, tailored to your business

Annual time saved on reporting, surveys, ideation, and content creation:
Tastewise Proposal:
Content Time per report Total time per annum Total required (with Tastewise) Current annual reporting time Annual time saving (with Tastewise)
Surveys 0 $0 $0
Reports 0 $0 $0
Research and concept creation 0 $0 $0
Research and concept creation 0 $0 $0
$ $
Marketing Content Creation Time per report Total time per annum Total required (with Tastewise) Current annual reporting time Annual time saving (with Tastewise)
Recipe creation 0 $0 $0
AI image generation/photography 0 $0 $0
Blog creation 0 $0 $0
$ $
Total annual saving: $0

Save over80% of your annual content creation and research time.

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